Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Never Say Never

For those of you who know me and Mr., you know how much we loved our little mountain town in North Carolina. We loved the community, the culture, and most of all--the COOL weather! While we loved visiting our family down in Georgia, we never even thought about moving back.  Until.... little O arrived! My how babies change your life! Lack of sleep, days without showers, and more love than your mind, body and heart can grasp! We knew being near family was the best thing for him..(and us!).

And, here we are-- in Georgia.  Mr. has a fabulous new job in administration at a local middle school and I'm still working remotely in the natural products industry.  We never thought we'd be back in Georgia, never thought we'd be living with our parents (until our house in NC sells-- mind you!), and I for one--never thought I'd be a "stay at home mommy."  Just didn't think I was cut out for it.  Nor, did I think it was in the budget.  Some days, I still wonder if I'm cut out for it and time will continue to tell if it's still in the budget.  But, for now, I'm getting acclimated to our new life here.